We believe that chess has many wonderful benefits for young and old minds alike, and therefore all ages are welcome to join the FV Chess Club lessons and tournaments. Our mission is to also reach out to nearby schools and hospitals, providing free materials and chess lessons that will encourage our youth to put down their gaming controllers and embrace a game that is known for developing and improving cognitive brain functions.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or donating your time  please visit the sponsor page or contact us at fvchessclub22@gmail.com–we are hoping many community members will join us in bringing our mission to life


Craig Clawitter

Craig Clawitter is National Chess Master (USCF 2200+ ) who has played competitively for over 20 years. He is a renowned chess trainer who has provided chess instruction throughout Southern California since 2002.

Ethan Huynh

Ethan Huynh is currently USCF rated 1650 and was top 100 in the U.S for age 8 boys in 2016. He started chess when he was 6 and has been playing completitively for about 10 years.